Wednesday, February 3, 2010

taken a shower but still hot

I MELTING literally the mosquitos have only bitten me.. not my mummy or my uncle and family... just poor foreign blood me. they only reason i manage to kill 3 mosquitos was cause they were sooooo full of human (probs my) blood that they couldnt move fast enough... or they couldnt fly at all. stupid fat icky mosquitos.
its raining right now, or shall i say its thunderstorming right now. im on the balcony but theres a roof to protect me=] but its smells yummy and fresh and not stinky and sweaty, although the lightening and thunder is kinda scary... but cool in a way i guess. mums eating the stinky fruit durian. and every time she talks its like EWWWWWW smelly. i like jackfruit and like soya bean curdy stuff thats yummm toooo. im really tired. before i was trying to use my brain for good and i had a go at sudoku but massive fails. i put a nine in the wrong spot and they i ended up have a like 9 in some random spot ahhhhh i gave up and put the newspaper done best idea yet. theres nothing better to do right now. we r kinda house bound so i have to entertain myself via other means.. i hear someone playing the guitar its pretty cool bur i cant like remember the name of the song they r playing. i want yoshi to eat my apple. and im kinda using my uncles internet and i feel bad cause they have got any downloads but im doing soo much random stuff on their net like you tube and downloading songs and stuff sighs too much stuff i feel bad.
to add to the lovely sound of the thunderstorm i hear cats howling.

i went to the night market the other night it was pretty interesting bought random stuff should have bought more but i felt sorry for my aunty who was forced to take me as mum cant go anywhere cause she got eye surgery. its so weird see my mum able to see without glasses. SHE CAN READ MY MSN NOW except she finds reading small light pink writing hard to read so its=] i was offer laser eye surgery and if i want it i have to get it tomorrow but i think im too chicken to get it done. also i would miss like the whole I WEAR GLASSES thing like my glasses r coolios... but i just dont wear them cause i prefer contacts but still they cost a lot and stuff.
the rain isnt as heavy anymore. i think the storm is easing up.

next week im going to jb

things i still need to buy:
stationary (SHAKER PACERS yummm yumm)
and im sure theres something else

Tally update:
mosquitos 4
li-ming 3 and 1 fail

hearts, li-ming


  1. i miss malaysia and it's really cheap clothes at pasar malam and it's hawker food like hokkien mee all in it's yummy but awfully fattening pig fat but who cares if it's yummy.
    i want to go ice skating in sunway pyramid.. wait i just want to go ice skating at a really really BIG ice skating rink.. not a small one that's kind of shifty.

    i haven't been ice skating in australia since i was in primary school..

  2. lol
    nah im over ice skating...:| i think i am cause im pretty POOR but y dont u go tto the one in australia!!!??

  3. is there like an eye surgery to make u wear glasses :D

  4. Y WOULD U...:| i think u dont need to pay for surgery just look at bright lights in the dark and the sun
