Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme....


ok there is a slight obsession going on with that song, but in all honesty i think i deserve to have an obsession with SUCH A GOOD SONG!!! loved the movie tooooooo. apparently the beast had a name but like they never used it cause he was known as the beast...
ANYWAYS just as sotvac ends, i shall conclude on the little amounts of study that i have done, and the large amounts of procrastination that has taken place this week. even french provided a failure, as looking at the first page of my textbook brought along an instant need to close my eyes and sleep, but considering the amounts of  sleep i've had over this week has dwindled, sleepiness this afternoon was expected.

ok i think a bit of background info and clearing up is required on a few, well two small things. the first i think i'll go through quickly is the countdown in my previous blog. YES lol it's a countdown for douglas, but only because i was bullying him in the library BECAUSE THE DAY BEFORE, i was intently bullied by two boys, one of which was doug over feeble matters involving a name and their need to be first, IN EVERYTHING. so instead i thought ill expose something "LOL" worthy that doug is looking forward too. Now to talk about the facebook matter, well only those who have me on facebook will know that i'm now properly fasting facebook for one month, this is not for exams, because as some may know i really dislike it when people get rid of facebook for exams but its for me, like personally me.  Like lately its just been eating away at me, making me obsessed and wasting valuable hours DOING NOTHING but stalking people.
talking about stalking people.. reading blogs are the best way to learn more about their writer, lately.. well no just today i started reading someone else's blog and discover HOW UNACCOMPLISHED i am as a person of the age of 19 years, i have done nothing except eat chocolate and attempt at some fail studying abilities. where as other people out there can sing, compose songs and can play a musical instrument EXCEPTIONALLY WELL, or can just play it in GENERAL. me and my viola are mega fails in the playing a musical instrument department.

ALSO last thing i want to say before i return to the realms of study (or merlin). the whole relationship "thought" lol yes talking blogs.. everyone talks about relationships in their blogs, well of their existing ones. and as i see it WOW the gifts people RECEIVE ARE AMAZING... like if that was me i would have to be forever grateful for the rest of my life but then i think bout the work and effort it takes and then i'm like nah i'm fine without anyone... but its also brings in the realisation that i am surrounded by couples!!! but its ok as long as i don't dragged in with any of their couple-ly needs=] merlin ended=[ TIME TO STUDY
hearts, li-ming

1 comment:

  1. LOL yes third wheeling or fifth wheeling or whatever odd number wheeling can be quite awkward.... oh well but i do agree with learning more about people just by reading their blogs !!!
