Tuesday, October 5, 2010

why is it when jz hugs victor he always looks like his dying?

JZzzz .
Have you Ever seen Something So Cute you feel Like you have to Strangle it?


JZzzz .
guess what explains why it looks like im killing vik all the time :)

today was a good day=] i have no pracs this week so today was like EMPTY only one lecture at like 10am so i crashed jz's lecture and we drew with dan.. i think my drawing of dan was sooo sexy the real thing could just not compare. and i gave jz my present=] A TEA SUBMARINE!!!!!!!! its sooo cute and soo yum yum yum (http://nerfohdoe.tumblr.com/) and i gave her my retarded drawing of a fairy...... which was lettery=]. we SWAM for like 1 hour non stop 21 LAP YEAHHHHHH take that world!!!! we r awesome!!! and healthy and FIT. but then we ate pizza and went to victor where jz killed victor and where the above question came about....

after swimming we went shopping and i cant believe im about to say this... but... i was... gonna... buy.... a ....dress.... which is semi stupid.... cause i never wear dresses:| RAWR i wanna sew a jump suit.
today is a tuesday and WONGFU HAS ANOTHER VIDEO out i still want to buy stuff from the nice guy shop... ooo and books. i wanna be smart. ohhh off topic. yea it already tues and tomorrows wed. and that means a week is nearly over:O
kinda rubbish but gd rubbish but still rubbish!!!
BIO 9th nov 9:30
PHYSIC 11th nov 9:30
PSYCH 12th 9:30
and the stupid one
CHEM 23th nov 9:30
a week+ to study chem:| STUPID!!!!!!!!!!
but gd cause chems hard

eating fruit and drinking milk..... good healthy ness=]
tomorrow i have a 9am start=[ stupid just hope i get a job=[
hearts, li-ming

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