Thursday, September 2, 2010


wat happens when u repeat a blog title? does ur computer overheat due to the extremely hard and incomprehensible ability to save two items of the same title and format? is that y when trying to save two word documents with the same name your computer instantaneously "warns" you by saying you cannot save it? well i guess when i click the publish post button we will see if my laptop spontaneously combusts.

im extremely thirsty and tired and i have no idea why. i got home at like 4 and since then ive been half asleep in my bed ohhh and by the way its like 7:40 now. i had an orthodontist appointment today and well it hurt, not only was i an hour early...EMBARRASSING im always stupidly early but he was like hmmmmm ur front teeth are gapping.... twists some wire while pushing teeth together so now i feel like this non-stop puling feeling between the two front teeth its like MEGA OWWIES and im like
internal rage cannot eat nor drink. who invented such a painful torture?

TODAY well today i had uni at 9am but i was so tired so i slept in till like 7:15 but i still was ready 10mins early. i could have had 10min extra of vitally yum yum sleep but fails. anyways i got to uni really early and was like... wat to do so i was like YEA post office, cause i need to send something to england but like it didn't open till like 9am sooo stupid so i was like SCREW THIS but i did manage to post my metcard lol its been ages since that stupidity day but yea FREE TRAVEL. well first i had a bio tute, i forgot how trickly stupid bio can be its like INTERTWINING stupidity of confusing ropes entangled with external happiness... ok maybe not the happiness but u get the drift.
BUT YAY the lms was down yesterday so NO ILT until like next wednesday it makes me happy. so i brought my laptop to uni for my psych lecture which i went to after bio tute it was borrow stupidity and sad like not sad as in lame but sad as in upsetting human experimenting. anyways then we had chem TUTE with which i mega failed in i kept thinking too much and therefore was like NO THIS DOESNT WORK when in fact it did. my head was too far ahead of my hands and eyes. sighs. hung round lincoln and his friends today one of his friends was like an obsessive nerdy apple lover everything he owned was apple macbook  pad 2 iphones and he carried an apple keyboard everywhere he went:| sooo weird anyways the other one was a obsessive youtube follower and then lincoln is just lincoln weird in his own  lincoln way.
 bought a backpack=] its like the brand DONT ASK AMANDA its kinda different to my style as it is kinda florally and like girly but its a bit different and quirky... i hope mum likes it otherwise i have to return it tomorrow=[ 50 DOLLARS

anyways dads calling for dinner


but i get them off soon YAY=]
hearts, li-ming

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