Monday, May 30, 2011


the day started with little sleep and a long journey to docklands to do a bit of fail skating and to take part in a fail skating class BUT in all happiness I GOT MY SKATES!!! YAY anyways got them sharpened. but this is not a blog about the dwelling of the early morning events but a blog of the afternoon apple experience!

ok so basically i was going to chadstone to get my iphone fixed, as on the thursday the glass started to fall off, making my iphone not only ugly but highly dangerous! so i had to get it fix. my friend DOUG was like (on friday) come with me on saturday, im getting my macbook fixed too so i was like... might as well go with a friend than to go by myself. so on saturday i left my house at 1pm with 275 dollars in my card ready for this apple visit. i must say that CHADSTONE LOOKS SOO DIFFERENT, i kinda didnt know where the apple store was, but with a bit of blind walking i saw the SHINY white apple and walked briskly towards it's glow=]
entering the store kinda was overwhelming! it was so packed! i couldnt even find DOUG i squeezed and pushed and in the corner i saw a dude with glasses and a melbourne uni jumper BINGO it was DOUG!!! anyways long story short i lined up and the apple dude was like "i need to assess your iphone, what's wrong with it?" *takes phone out* SELF EXPLANATORY! and they were like "this is not under warranty" and i was like i know.... so i got my wallet out and they got a new phone out and they were doing some like "paper" work on their touch and my french iphone then i was like "how much will it cost" and their were like its free and i was like :| pure shock.... anyways cutting the story short again it was basically my friend DOUG that paid for it:| well he didnt really but he did? complicated story but OMGSH!! I OWE HIM SO MUCH i mean omgsh i didnt know i actually thought it was free... well i dunno if it is still but from what i've worked out, in my mind HE PAID!! but he didnt drop IT.. he's such a nice person and i feel bad.. soooooo I OWE HIM and im forever thankful!!! i cannot drop it again and i must protect it, more so now cause of this whole situation! anyways i walked out the store stroking it and so happy (this was before i found out) and well im still happy and still stroking it, its a bittersweet story=]


now a few pictures?

a new case?

and did i add he drove like 20 minutes out of the way!! to drive me HOME! dude man..... cant thank him enough!!

also we played starwars!!! while waiting for his macbook

hearts, li-ming

Friday, May 27, 2011

first impressions?

everyday we meet new people, we don't know it when we step out of the house but we do, whether it be an introduction or a casual talk with someone in the same lecture or even just people walking pass, we are constantly judged by anyone and everyone, even though we may have not formally met them. this is the first impression. people say first impressions are important, important in setting the tone and the level of the "to be" relationship. But for most of us a first impression requires only a glance. this glance can be undertaken by anyone, even by a person just casually walking by. I mean in all honesty we've all walked past someone and stared at their outrageous hairdo or their "incompetent" dress sense. I guess this is the reason that so many people spend hours upon hours in the bathroom getting ready, dressing and redressing just to find that perfect outfit for the day to show others, those that see them, who they would like to be perceived as. this includes the large topic: make up. some take it to the extreme, completely changing their normal self to a "better" version where as others just puts in that little more effort early in the morning to make all the difference during the day.

personally i think last impressions are more important than first impressions. don't get me wrong first impressions are "important" but its so hard to please everyone every day, showing everyone who you want to be and what you can be if you spend the effort and time. but last impressions is for a particular group and you have the set time, everything is set, all you need to do is prepare yourself once. Last impressions are also the one, i think, you would remember the most. Some people do remember the first time they meet someone, but i think the last image you see of a person is most likely to be the one that sticks in your head the longest. and as we are humans the last image we want anyone to have of us is a good one, no matter how fake it may be, just as long as it portrays the image that we are pursuing for our selves. but last impressions also results in, as the name states, impressing someone. we would not go through the effort of a good last impression if there was no one we were aiming to impress. but sometimes its just a way of saying good bye to something that just may not be the same again.

My last impression to you today?

Hakuna Matata=]
hearts, li-ming

Thursday, May 26, 2011

the aftermath

well yeah i got home with my phone and my mum and bro like well laugh... ished and kept telling me that i couldnt touch anything incase i break it, THEY DONT KNOW HOW MUCH IT ACTUALLY HURT. but yeah made me WORSE... thank you very much. but when everything slowed down mum told me i cant get it fixed until next month, so THEREFORE i have a month to find a case that would reduce the chances of its death for when i get it repaired...
anyways today was a big bummer i think it was one of those days where EVERYTHING JUST COLLAPSED AND WENT WRONG and something i just wish never happened!! after nab bank (where the incident occurred) i just wanted to scream and PUNCH ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING but instead i had random fits of screaming, and CALLS to anyone who could help... but now yeah coming to terms with it i should actually spend this blog on other things

it was victoria's birthday today=] YAY early morning i awoke and headed to the city to order her a last minute cake OF LOVE and edible yumness.. but yeah, i think from 9 onwards nothing was feeling right, i was sleepy and tired but yeah... it got worse about 2-5 then at like 5:30 my friends and i played tetris for 30mins, kinda fun.. i suck but you know
ITS STILL FUN. then at 6 we went off to get the cake we ordered for victoria. victoria's dinner was SO MUCH FUN, it was kinda weird, cause i guess everyone at the table had their troubles, and needed to study for assignments and tests, but yet we still came out to celebrate, the conversations started off a bit dry and depressing but it was like releasing a load on to the table and like the dinner became a place of fun and enjoyment=] AND VICTORIA WAS SOOO excited and happy=] made everyone else HAVE A SMILE ON THEIR DIAL, but yeah it was what i needed.. but then the train home RAWR to play music you need to look at the stupid SCREEN i hate it so much, i didnt even learn a lesson, sighs material possessions are so bad

anyways last 2 things before i snooze, firstly i cant say to much, but lol yeah AWKWARD STORIES so annoying, brain dead. you see even though im like only 19 i feel like compared to others im older, i dunno why and sometimes i feel like this age makes me not belong:S hmmm, and that im the laughing stock of immature beings.. but then again, im a laughing stock to myself, because i can be pretty immature... too bad i think people are something they are not. and SECONDLY french oral tomorrow... so scared im so tired and i only know like 4 descriptive words... maybe i should etudier in the morning? yeah on the "bus" im suppose to take. THE TRAINS ARE SO PACKED NOWADAYS i hate it oh so very much
hearts, li-ming

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

victoria's birthday

 i dont think words can explain how i feel

but on the other hand.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTORIA!!! took my mind off it
hearts, li-ming

Monday, May 23, 2011

"Change will come, CHANGE.. WILL.. COME.."

officially moved house, and since moving house and THE CRAZY mess, I've had 2 tests and received one test result.
i thought this would be a good time to express a photo or two of the new house.. but all i could find was this photo of me attempting to study for my physiology test..

dont i look so studious? lol my attempt of 18 lectures in one night, and i finished all of them 10 minutes before my test=] i think that was quite an accomplishment.. maybe one day i shall not try it again?

in my mind things happen so easily!!! im so jealous of my imagination i wish i could be as WEE as my imagination then i would be oh sooo totally UNSTOPPABLE, but unfortunately my imagination is far too advance compare to me


anyways moving on I GOT MY VIOLA OUT TODAY for like the first time in 2 YEARS!!! it was so awkward i thought it would be out of tune and like my ability to remember how to play would have DISSIPATED but no surprisingly it was pretty in tune, with a few sharp strings... (i downloaded an iphone app to tune my viola) and then i tested my fingering with the app and i was like WOW ITS IN TUNE. but then i was like ULTIMATE TEST!!!! and i played a bit of pirates and some other song i remembered on my viola and i was MEGA SURPRISED!!! looking at this new found information, i got out my music sheets and played can you feel the love tonight and pirates and MINUET,  apart from a few like sharps and flats missing it was pretty impressive! im soo proud of myself!! i wished i took it more seriously when i was learning then i could have me so mega GOOD
but bringing it out brought back many good memories and many funny ones, so i'll end on this picture and a memory
"what's rest position?"   
hearts, li-ming

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


this week is kinda CRAZY so much stuff needs to be done, which includes the procrastination i'm currently participating in instead of studying or for a matter of fact sleeping. i also wasted quite a large amount of my time watching the kings speech=] i liked it a lot. it was kinda sweet in a weird way and OMGSH helena bonham carter looked sooo different but they were all MASSIVELY GOOD ACTORS but colin firth... good actor but he looked too old for his role. and OMGSH ANOTHER HARRY POTTER REUNION!!!! bellatrix lestrange and wormtail and DUMBLEDORE, another one since sweeny todd...

anyways this blog was just meant to highlight the REALISATION i have just had...
skype.... lol i remember lol like 2 years ago i was forced to get skype by one little boy and i only possessed one contact. but now I HAVE HEAPS!!!! and i wonder why i dont use it =S, but harps uses it more then msn SOO GUESS WHO'S GONNA BE THE NEXT SKYPE junkie!!!! yay i'm excited, building up on my skype list!
but now i think sleep is a true possibility!!!!
hearts, li-ming

Sunday, May 15, 2011

another day of intense cleaning

ok so this weekend was wasted on cleaning/moving house, which in anyones opinion, isnt good considering i have two tests this week but I CANNOT BE SELFISH AND tell my parents to do it them selves, cause then i wouldn't be the best daughter ever=] OMGSH im so up myself... there was a split moment in my life where i was once humble and "cute" not that i ever was... but i blame the group of people that told me to accept compliments, cause now i embrace them and FUEL THEM, anyways TOTALLY OFF TOPIC. yeah today i had to pack and move AGAIN and now my shelf and dresser are bare, a good thing, and my desk just has all my study junk on it, but i think my stupidest move in the "packing" and "moving" department, was packing away all my trousers and my power point board thingo, cause now i can either chose to use a lamp or to charge my laptop, so not helpful when it come to the studying option. but like always today i found more stuff, some of it were pretty cool. i was looking through my box of stuff that i have no place for but i didnt wanna throw out but its like that box where you keep the special stuff?? or in my case the place where i keep all my used metcards and clothing tags (yes i keep all my tags). but it was also the place where i kept all my england keep safes from the trip last year. i found my souvenir collection, including like you know the typically BRITISH gifts like rubbers and guitar picks, and dont forget all those coins that you accumulate. I also found my sim card and my oyster card.. i cant believe its been a year, plus, since i went back, feels so strange, i also found a whole bunch of photos, including my year 5 photos. man was i one manly fat child lol!!! but harps still looks as stick as ever.. i can't believe so much has changed... like physically but mentally we are still like 10. in this box of stuff i also found my student cards from year 10 and 11... i dunno where my 12 went but man i looked different and i think my year 11 photo was during the period of time where i was the skinniest... LOL YES IVE GAIN WEIGHT... stupid tempting chocolate and stressful happiness that chocolate provides. but its so weird to see you grow up. i looked so middle eastern when i was a baby but then i became an asian looking toddler, and now I'm a freaky looking halfie=] LOL. oh the joys of baby photos and puppy fat.

moving away from the whole moving fiasco... i've been in a lost dilemma for quite a few days now, but i think i kinda have it sorted, like its not an ideal situation, but its a realistic one. its a weird situation, i mean like one where you are put in one mega awkward spot and you are forced to pick between friends, its like saying which friend you you like better, and i know some people are like WELL DUH ITS "blah blah" but i have a heart =] and i dont think its right to pick between friends. but since i cant do anything about it i must...CHOOSE... happiness=] this whole dilemma leads me nicely on to...

c'est le dimanche 15th mai, il y a six jours gauche=]
je vais etre le gagnant

lol my beautiful french input considering im so far behind and its getting so hard and complicated now=[
off to paint my nails a shade of pink, considering all the other colours are in the other house.. normality...

should be studying
hearts, li-ming

moving house

i think moving house is one of the most annoying and tedious processes in life. the cleaning the packing, the throwing, the keeping and the discoveries.
Well as no one knows, ill make it public here, but yes YET AGAIN WE ARE MOVING HOUSE, back to a cold wooden floorboard house with limited heating and awkward curtains. BUT as i ran for first pick for bedrooms, i think i personally won, with the only bedroom with 2 POWERPOINT, 2!!! two is a big number. it also has a HUGE wardrobe!!! so its all good for all my junk, that i like to collect over time. well i think thats all the good stuff thats to come out of moving to a new house, (as we are renting, and its not permanent, i think i can have this many complaints) WELL the bad? lol well today we found out that 3 doesnt like our house, my bro has like NO reception in the house, so if your thinking of calling my bro i think it would be better to call me first, you know just incase you catch him when hes totally out of reception. at first i must admit, this was HILARIOUS, but then it dawned on me, my bro will not have reception in the house for a WHOLE YEAR!!! so for a whole year, he practically cannot use his phone... strange yeah? kinda sad as well, kinda felt sorry for him. hmm what else did i dislike... i think the bathroom was a bit... and the smell was a bit.. but all in all i shouldnt complain too much but to be grateful..
anyways i think the worse thing about moving is the packing. packing is not as easy as it sounds, packing to you might mean like just emptying draws into boxes then driving them over and placing them back into those draws... but NO packing is about so much more. packing is an art, an art i dont think my family posses the necessary skills for. When packing its not about transporting everything you own, but its about clearing some of your accumulated junk from your wardrobes and giving it away or throwing it away. I must say its very hard to throw stuff away, especially if your a sentimental person like me. i LOVE to keep things that have a background memory to them, so as you can imagine my collection of stuff is PRETTY HUGE, today i threw out like ALL the clothes that were just sitting in my wardrobe, waiting for some well deserved attention, normally i would look at them and say "maybe one day ill wear you" BUT NOT TODAY, today i looked at them and said NO MORE and out they went, tons of it OUT OF MY LIFE for good. i was so energised by this that i attempted to do the same thing for my jewellery collection, but man i WEAR none of my jewellery, so as i filtered through, i found one piece i almost totally forgot about, this friendship necklace my best friend and i shared...
WEIRD FEELINGS!!! you find a lot of things when you move....
 hearts, li-ming

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

subscapularis, supraspinatus and infraspinatus are all fixators

anatomy, oh anatomy,
why do you want to hurt me?
what have I ever done to you?
you just took me like a fool.
you are so mean,
my face doesn't want to gleam
anatomy, oh anatomy,
why do you want to hurt me?

ok i realised that "you" doesn't rhyme with "fool", BUT WHO SAID A POEM needed to rhyme? it just needs to portray my feelings, my feelings of hate and BETRAYAL by a subject that goes by the name "anatomy". anyways if the poem doesn't do its job, a pictures speaks a thousand words.. so here's 2 =]

in my pj's warmnesssss
hearts, li-ming

Sunday, May 8, 2011


well it's official my nail polish obsession just got INSANE
today i went to kmart and OBSERVED THEIR SALE ON NAIL POLISHES!!! resulting in me spending $40 on a variety of colours, stretching my collection from the original 10 to 18! yes i bought 8 more today. AND TO SHOW MY EXCITEMENT AND LOVE for them i thought i would blog them.
as you may see most of them are RIMMEL london, ok all of them except one is rimmel, its not just patriotic but its cause they are good and CHEAP and one of the best types of nail polishes out there!!

maybe a mini history?
i dunno i guess it started in year seven, P.E class, we had to do some sort of self evaluation thing, and i remember putting down "i hate my hands". i think since then ive always had some form of polish on my nails... i think its my equivalent of make up but for the nails? anyways then it just became an obsession. It not cause i hate my hands anymore its cause i find it fun SOOTHING and quirky... its just another thing that makes me, me=]

COLOURS (in order):
clear (not pictured)
pompous (not pictured)
hot shot
grass green
your majesty
london clouds
redcurrent jelly

double decker red
london clouds
grey matter
black out
portobello pink
deliciously dark
purple reign


ok i might look weird... two pinks that are exactly the same?!
but no! the new one has a gold pearly shine=]

ok i grant you that its impossible to tell the difference BUT TRUST ME ITS THERE

NO not two greys! one sliver and one grey=]

why do i want grey?... cause grey is COOL

DOUBLE reds? SAME brand?

NEVER the new one is a bright vibrant red without the shine!

double whites=] (love the name... the patriotic li-ming)

white is a staple colour=]

two blacks? with different names?! NOOO the new one is (actually dunno) a deep redy purple colour? maybe?

yes i agree they both look black

now i have so many colours=] TO FREE MY BOREDOM

hearts, li-ming

Saturday, May 7, 2011

counting down

i've been feeling really tired lately, i dunno know why but i'm assuming Chuck has something to do with it. 

ok I havent blogged in a while BUT WE SHALL START....  RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!
theres a boredom that comes along with long bus rides and sleepless nights, and normally this boredom is simply and EASILY fixed with a short trip to the app store on my phone, BUT LATELY, i've been noticing the games listed under "top 25" ARE RETARDED!!!! theres nothing there that would heal my BOREDOM and it's not fair. Je suis tres disappointed with the whole system. WHAT HAPPENED TO AWESOME FREE GAMES?!! anyways lately i've not been relying on the entertainment value of games, instead I've been placing chuck in front of my OWN two eyes to HEAL the desire i have for my beloved TV, apart from the several days of crashing, and the one i'm currently about to have, i think went pretty well. i finished it=] ALL IN TIME FOR MY MID SEMESTER TESTS, round 2 *ding ding* BOOF

today was a magnificently average day=]! as per usual i awoke late and groggy from my overkill of chuck watching and got into a car half dead to drive to docklands, which caused me to attempt at my RUBBISH parking skills, lets just say its getting better?=], anyways ice skating was a pain BUT AT LEAST IM NOT THE WORST IN MY GROUP ANYMORE!!! WEEEE omgsh feels so good not to be the worst in a group of people, and i think its a GREAT accomplishment that i didn't fall over. on the drive home today, i did something MEGA STUPID... i rubbed my eye AND BOOOOM my contact became folded and LOST in my EYE and as i was driving i couldn't do much to fix it, well except from TEARING and CRYING SO MUCH from that one eye that my cheek was all WET AND TEARY. but i think the worse thing was that not only was i BLIND but EVERYTHING WAS BLURRY FROM THE TEARS. but I SOLIDERed ON BRAVING THE STORM and DRIVING INTO THE UNKNOWN!!!  until i had to park in the shopping center... but because i was so rushed I PARKED ABNORMALLY WELL!!! i was so proud of my self=] half blind with an AWESOME PARK, i think that made my day...either that or the cookies and cream chocolate YUM YUM 

BUT the main reason i wanted to blog was for the thing that made my day YESTERDAY. it was a dreary day filled with stress, sleepiness and CHUCK BARTOWSKI. but as the day got later the energy fizzled out, i became an empty smiling shell of li-ming. but i MAN-ed UP AND went to my youth group, WHERE I WAS OFFERED ENERGY IN THE FORM OF CHOCOLATE and where i offered up a helping hand. to which we replaced the table lamp with AWESOME PHONES, lighting the sound desk=] we are soo cool at my church=]

le samedi sept mai
hearts, li-ming