Monday, May 23, 2011

"Change will come, CHANGE.. WILL.. COME.."

officially moved house, and since moving house and THE CRAZY mess, I've had 2 tests and received one test result.
i thought this would be a good time to express a photo or two of the new house.. but all i could find was this photo of me attempting to study for my physiology test..

dont i look so studious? lol my attempt of 18 lectures in one night, and i finished all of them 10 minutes before my test=] i think that was quite an accomplishment.. maybe one day i shall not try it again?

in my mind things happen so easily!!! im so jealous of my imagination i wish i could be as WEE as my imagination then i would be oh sooo totally UNSTOPPABLE, but unfortunately my imagination is far too advance compare to me


anyways moving on I GOT MY VIOLA OUT TODAY for like the first time in 2 YEARS!!! it was so awkward i thought it would be out of tune and like my ability to remember how to play would have DISSIPATED but no surprisingly it was pretty in tune, with a few sharp strings... (i downloaded an iphone app to tune my viola) and then i tested my fingering with the app and i was like WOW ITS IN TUNE. but then i was like ULTIMATE TEST!!!! and i played a bit of pirates and some other song i remembered on my viola and i was MEGA SURPRISED!!! looking at this new found information, i got out my music sheets and played can you feel the love tonight and pirates and MINUET,  apart from a few like sharps and flats missing it was pretty impressive! im soo proud of myself!! i wished i took it more seriously when i was learning then i could have me so mega GOOD
but bringing it out brought back many good memories and many funny ones, so i'll end on this picture and a memory
"what's rest position?"   
hearts, li-ming

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