Sunday, May 15, 2011

another day of intense cleaning

ok so this weekend was wasted on cleaning/moving house, which in anyones opinion, isnt good considering i have two tests this week but I CANNOT BE SELFISH AND tell my parents to do it them selves, cause then i wouldn't be the best daughter ever=] OMGSH im so up myself... there was a split moment in my life where i was once humble and "cute" not that i ever was... but i blame the group of people that told me to accept compliments, cause now i embrace them and FUEL THEM, anyways TOTALLY OFF TOPIC. yeah today i had to pack and move AGAIN and now my shelf and dresser are bare, a good thing, and my desk just has all my study junk on it, but i think my stupidest move in the "packing" and "moving" department, was packing away all my trousers and my power point board thingo, cause now i can either chose to use a lamp or to charge my laptop, so not helpful when it come to the studying option. but like always today i found more stuff, some of it were pretty cool. i was looking through my box of stuff that i have no place for but i didnt wanna throw out but its like that box where you keep the special stuff?? or in my case the place where i keep all my used metcards and clothing tags (yes i keep all my tags). but it was also the place where i kept all my england keep safes from the trip last year. i found my souvenir collection, including like you know the typically BRITISH gifts like rubbers and guitar picks, and dont forget all those coins that you accumulate. I also found my sim card and my oyster card.. i cant believe its been a year, plus, since i went back, feels so strange, i also found a whole bunch of photos, including my year 5 photos. man was i one manly fat child lol!!! but harps still looks as stick as ever.. i can't believe so much has changed... like physically but mentally we are still like 10. in this box of stuff i also found my student cards from year 10 and 11... i dunno where my 12 went but man i looked different and i think my year 11 photo was during the period of time where i was the skinniest... LOL YES IVE GAIN WEIGHT... stupid tempting chocolate and stressful happiness that chocolate provides. but its so weird to see you grow up. i looked so middle eastern when i was a baby but then i became an asian looking toddler, and now I'm a freaky looking halfie=] LOL. oh the joys of baby photos and puppy fat.

moving away from the whole moving fiasco... i've been in a lost dilemma for quite a few days now, but i think i kinda have it sorted, like its not an ideal situation, but its a realistic one. its a weird situation, i mean like one where you are put in one mega awkward spot and you are forced to pick between friends, its like saying which friend you you like better, and i know some people are like WELL DUH ITS "blah blah" but i have a heart =] and i dont think its right to pick between friends. but since i cant do anything about it i must...CHOOSE... happiness=] this whole dilemma leads me nicely on to...

c'est le dimanche 15th mai, il y a six jours gauche=]
je vais etre le gagnant

lol my beautiful french input considering im so far behind and its getting so hard and complicated now=[
off to paint my nails a shade of pink, considering all the other colours are in the other house.. normality...

should be studying
hearts, li-ming

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